von 19 - 21 Uhr mit Kirstin von der Heydt und Ralf Barthelmes
Talkover Music: Donald Austin * Pea Shooter
Don Julian & The Larks * The Jerk
Beatles * Back in the U.S.S.R.
Louisiana Red * Little Girl, Take Your Time
Dr Bontempi's Snake Oil Company * Burnt toast & black coffee
The Shake Spears * Summertime
Smokestack Lightnin' * Funnel of love
Television Personalities * Geoffery Ingram
Michael Kiwanuka * Love & Hate
Mike Cooper * In the mourning
Grainger Hunt * Noah
The Ar-Kaics * Be nice
Fucked Up * Anorak City
The Nomads * She ain't no use to me
The Durgas * Fed up
Haskell Sadler * Bald Headed Woman
Los Blancos * Don't go away
Iris Dement * No Time To Cry
Lefty Batchelor * Second Rate
J.Period, John Legend & The Roots * Dolla Out A Dime (Interlude) f. James Brown
Casiotone For The Painfully Alone * White Corolla
Achtung Spitfire Schnell Schnell * What's up
Marsha Gee * Peanut Duck
Los Pepes * Por favor
Lassie Singers * Tantra Tantra
Black Heino * Eigenheim
The Phantom Keys * My last mistake
RP Boo * Speakers R-4
Handsome Boy Modeling School * I've Been Thinking (feat. Cat Power)
Bob Wayne * All those one night stands
Paul Ansell's Number Nine * Red Light
The Olympics * Baby Do The Philly Dog
Marianne Mendt * I kann net lang mit dir bös' sein
Sonny Smith * Cathedral In the Desert
The Strange Boys * The Unsent Letter
* end of show
- Dr Bontempi's Snake Oil Company * Fr. 22.07.16 * Mais Labyrinth Dreieich
- Dr Bontempi's Snake Oil Company * Sa. 23.07.16 * 7er Club Mannheim
- The Durgas (+ Double Diamond on turntables) * Mi. 27.07.16 * Yachtklub Frankfurt
- Rebel meets Bembel: Bob Wayne and the Outlaw Carnies * Fr. 22.07.16 * Kulturwerkstatt Wölfersheim