von 19 - 21 Uhr mit Kirstin von der Heydt und Ralf Barthelmes
Talkover Music: Donald Austin * Pea Shooter
Lambchop * Listen
Leonard Cohen * Leaving green sleeves
Robert Forster * Tower of song
Robert Parker * Caught You In A Lie
Townes van Zandt * Black Widow Blues
Billie Poole * Them Blues
Inuz Moore * If it ain*t one thing it's another
Roy Rogers * The Yellow Rose of Texas
Todd Day Wait * Travelin' Blues
Dean Blunt * Two
Fuck Yeah * Fuck Yeah
Casiotone for the Painfully Alone * Oh Illinois
Start * Der Beat
T Torstenson * Arrow
A Subtle Plague * I wanna kill the president
Adolescents * You can't change the world with a song
Randy Newman * Mr President (have pity on the working man)
Darrell Banks * Somebody (Somewhere Needs You)
Arthur Alexander * A shot of Rhythm and Blues
El Michels Affair * This Song's for You
Les Theodors * Ce sera syper
Chris Farlowe * Out of Time
The wrong society * Dark clouds
Move D * Rise
Jean-Jacques Perrey * E V A
The Fleshtones * Rick Wakeman's Cape
Bo Diddley * ++ My Babe
Jocko * A little bit of everything
Glen Campbell * Gentle On My Mind
Dr Bontempis Snake Oil Company * Franny Lee Stomp
Element Of Crime * Delmenhorst
The Monsters * Happy people make me sick
** end of show
*** Veranstaltungshinweise
- Tag der offenen Tür bei radio x * radio x, Kurfürstenstr. 18 HH * Sa. 19.11.2016, 12-20 Uhr, alle Infos auf www.radiox.de
- Thomas Meinecke * Lesung "Selbst" * Ausstellungshalle Schulstraße 1a Frankfurt, Mo. 28.11.2016, 19:30 Uhr
- Marcel Bontempi's Snake Oil Company / turntables Kirstin von der Heydt * Dreikönigskeller * Sa. 26.11.16
- Silver Series Voodoo Rhythm Super Dada Show The Monsters, The Sex Organs, The Devils, The Cheating Hearts, New York Wannabees / Conferencierge Miss Tula Trash und DJ Ingo the Sick anschl. Party Shake! mit Ingo the Sick Konrd O.R.G.E.L & Triantafille * Kunstverein Familie Montez * Sa. 12.11.16 20 Uhr
- Baustellen-Party * Memphis Records * Sa. 12.11.16 14-20 Uhr