radiator x - 110512- meetings
radia #316: CYFARFOD  + #162: share

[pls. scroll down for english version]

und jetzt alle zusammen.

zunächst mit der RW crew von radio worm, rotterdam, die uns eine neue folge ihrer kollaborativen unradio-klangabenteuer kredenzen.
im anschluss zelebriert radio taz lemurie, prag, das prinzip des teilens und lädt zum internation share jam ein.

weitere informationen zur sendung unter www.gunst.info/radiator
sowie unter: www.radia.fm

credits: siehe unten

die nächste radiator-sendung wird am
donnerstag, 19. mai 2011 von 15-16 uhr ausgestrahlt.


all together. now.

first with the RW crew from radio worm, rotterdam, offering us a new edition of their collaborative unradio sound adventures.
afterwards radio taz lemurie, prague, is celebrating the priciple of sharing by inviting us to an international share jam session.

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
the RW crew and radio worm, rotterdam, for collaborating on unradio radio art;
all contributors of the share.dj project from radio lemurie taz, prague, for sharing;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

pls. find further information on this show, the sound art pieces and the contributing artists at
www.gunst.info/radiator and at www.radia.fm

the next show will be transmitted thursday, may 19, 2011 from 3 pm to 4 pm (CET).