radiator x - 110602 - postcards
radia #319: gowanus over and out  + #180: leicester tape recording club

[pls. scroll down for english version]

wie klingen postkarten?

im ersten teil der sendung verfolgen wir mit maria papadomanolaki die spuren von klangpostkarten, die ursprünglich 2010 in der galerie des cabinet magazine in brooklyn ausgestellt waren.
im anschluss wird uns mark vernon noch einmal eine auswahl von ansichtskarten aus den archiven des leichester tape recording club präsentieren.

weitere informationen zur sendung unter www.gunst.info/radiator
sowie unter: www.radia.fm

credits: siehe unten

die nächste radiator-sendung wird am
donnerstag, 09. juni 2011 von 15-16 uhr ausgestrahlt.


how do postcards sound?

in the first part of the show, together with maria papadomanolaki we will follow the sonic traces of aural postcards that have been presented in the cabinet magazine('s ) gallery in brooklyn in october 2010.
afterwards mark vernon will show us again a selection of postcards from the leichester tape recording club's archive.

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
maria papadomanolaki and radio free103point9, new york, for sonic traces of postcards from gowanus;
mark vernon and resonance.fm for sending audio postcards from the leicester tape recording club;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

pls. find further information on this show, the sound art pieces and the contributing artists at
www.gunst.info/radiator and at www.radia.fm

the next show will be transmitted thursday, june 9, 2011 from 3 pm to 4 pm (CET).