radiator x - 110714 - footage
radia #326: anarchy in the brewery + #316: CYFARFOD

[pls. scroll down for english version]

footage. gefunden. aber auch: eigens zusammengebraut und selbst fabriziert.

zunächst aus brüssel, wo in der ehemaligen bellevue-brauerei die radio-anarchie ausgebrochen ist und gebührend gefeiert wird.
im anschluss aus rotterdam. wo das team von radio worm unradio zelebriert.

weitere informationen zur sendung unter www.gunst.info/radiator
sowie unter: www.radia.fm

credits: siehe unten

die nächste radiator-sendung wird am
donnerstag, 21. juli 2011 von 15-16 uhr ausgestrahlt.


footage. found. but also: homebrewn and home made.

first from the bellevue brewery in brussels, celebrating anarchy.
afterwards from rotterdam. (un)doing unradiio with radio worm.

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
the team from radio XLair, brusssels, for anarchic footage from the brewery;
the RW crew and radio worm, rotterdam, for footage from unradio radio art;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

pls. find further information on this show, the sound art pieces and the contributing artists at
www.gunst.info/radiator and at www.radia.fm

the next show will be transmitted thursday, july 21, 2011 from 3 pm to 4 pm (CET).


radiator x - 110707 - emotional
radia #325: The audible after-effects of drinking ether + #85: emotional landscape
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trinken. und versinken. in emotionen.

zunächst sind es katrin essenson und raul keller vom estischen kunstradioprojekt LOKAALRAADIO, die mit uns auf die durchaus emotionalen folgen des trinkens trinken.
im anschluss lässt uns alexander nikof von mazedonischen kultur-kanal 103 in emotionalen landschaften versinken.

weitere informationen zur sendung unter www.gunst.info/radiator
sowie unter: www.radia.fm

credits: siehe unten

die nächste radiator-sendung wird am
donnerstag, 14. juli 2011 von 15-16 uhr ausgestrahlt.


drinking. and sinking. in emotions.

first katrin essenson and raul keller from the estonian art radio project LOKAALRADIO are drinking with us on the throughoutly emotional after-effekts of drinking ether.
afterwards alexander nikof from the macedonian culture channel kanal 103 makes us sink into emotional landscapes.

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
katrin essenson and raul keller from LOKAALRAADIO estonia and resonance fm, london, for drinking with us on landscapes of emotions;
alexander nikof from kanal 103, skopje/macedonia, for sinking with us into emotional landscape;;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

pls. find further information on this show, the sound art pieces and the contributing artists at
www.gunst.info/radiator and at www.radia.fm

the next show will be transmitted thursday, july 14, 2011 from 3 pm to 4 pm (CET).

radiator x - 110630 - collapse and expand
radia #323: colapso  + # #220: 0°1533 project

[pls. scroll down for english version]

kollaps und ausdehnung. audiopolitisch.

zunächst in lissabon, wo unterschiedliche klang- und radiokünstlerInnen ihre arbeiten wortwörtlich zusammenfallen lassen.
anschliessend in brüssel, wo der akustische stadtraum soziopolitisch ausgelotet und erweitert wird.

weitere informationen zur sendung unter www.gunst.info/radiator
sowie unter: www.radia.fm

credits: siehe unten

die nächste radiator-sendung wird am
donnerstag, 07. juli 2011 von 15-16 uhr ausgestrahlt.


collapse and expand: applied research in audiopolitics.
first with sound and radio artists from lisbon who let their pieces literally collapse.
afterwards in brussels, where the acoustic cityscape is mapped for its sociopolitical implications - and in this turn expanded as well.

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
vasco vidigal, carlos norton and radio zero, lisbon, for a great colapse;
gabriel tapia, gustavo riego and josé luis macas from the art In the public space (AEsP) workshop of the brussels royal academy of fine art and radio campus, brussels, for a great expansion;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

pls. find further information on this show, the sound art pieces and the contributing artists at
www.gunst.info/radiator and at www.radia.fm

the next show will be transmitted thursday, july 7, 2011 from 3 pm to 4 pm (CET).

radiator x - 110623 - cherchez la
radia #322: pamela  + #131: la femme sans visage

[pls. scroll down for english version]

da ist sie wieder. die hundertkopflose frau (wie sie max ernst genannt hätte).
aber in diesem fall heisst sie pamela.
und die projektionen werden in klang transformiert.
hören werden wir auch wieder von der frau ohne gesicht. was auch sonst, schliesslich sehen wir sie nicht.

weitere informationen zur sendung unter www.gunst.info/radiator
sowie unter: www.radia.fm

credits: siehe unten

die nächste radiator-sendung wird am
donnerstag, 30. juni 2011 von 15-16 uhr ausgestrahlt.


here she comes. again. la femme sans (100) tête (as max ernst would have called her).
however, in this case her name is pamela.
the projections are being transformed into sounds.
thus, we'll also hear again from another woman, la femme sans visage. what else. for we cannot see.

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
sebastian dicenaire, clément laloy and pierre de jaeger from radio campus, brussels, for their audible projections;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

pls. find further information on this show, the sound art pieces and the contributing artists at
www.gunst.info/radiator and at www.radia.fm

the next show will be transmitted thursday, june 30, 2011 from 3 pm to 4 pm (CET).

radiator x - 110616 - a to b
radia #321: andalusian sound journey  + #291: heimkehr

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von a nach b. immer den klängen nach.

ausgangspunkt ist andalusien, das wir mit der klangkünstlerin anna keleher bereisen.
im anschluss kehren wir heim. und ein. in berlin. mit einer komposition von allessandra eramo and rinus van alebeek.

weitere informationen zur sendung unter www.gunst.info/radiator
sowie unter: www.radia.fm

credits: siehe unten

die nächste radiator-sendung wird am
donnerstag, 23. juni 2011 von 15-16 uhr ausgestrahlt.


from a to b. always follow the sounds.

we start in andalusia, traveling with anna keleher.
afterwards we're coming home. to berlin. with a composition by allessandra eramo and rinus van alebeek.


miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
anna keleher and soundart radio, dartington (uk), for traveling andalusia with us;
allessandra eramo and rinus van alebeek for coming home with us;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

pls. find further information on this show, the sound art pieces and the contributing artists at
www.gunst.info/radiator and at www.radia.fm

the next show will be transmitted thursday, june 23, 2011 from 3 pm to 4 pm (CET).

radiator x - 110609 - froggies
radia #320: an evening with froggies  + #213: wave farm

[pls. scroll down for english version]

frösche? frösche!

besonders zur paarungszeit beweisen sich frösche als klangkünstler. wir paaren zwei beiträge zur zeitgenössischen radiokunst, die sich diese talente zu nutze machen.
zunächst ein abend mit fröschchen, zu dem etienne noiseau nach südfrankreich einlädt.
sodann verbringen wir noch ein bisschen zeit auf der wellenfarm des new yorker senders free103point9 - wo man, wie es der zufall so will, ebenfalls frösche belauschen kann.

weitere informationen zur sendung unter www.gunst.info/radiator
sowie unter: www.radia.fm

credits: siehe unten

die nächste radiator-sendung wird am
donnerstag, 16. juni 2011 von 15-16 uhr ausgestrahlt.


frogs? frogs!

especially during mating seasons frogs make the proof that they are sound artists in their own rights. in today's show it's mating season not only for the froggies, but also for two contributions to contemporary radio art listening to the latter.
first etienne noiseau is inviting us to spend an evening with froggies in southern france.
afterwards, we'll spend some time on radio free103point9's wave farm - where one can listen to some froggies as well...

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
etienne noiseau and radio grenouille for listening to frogs;
tom roe and the artists working on free103point9’s wave farm, especially for eavesdropping on some frogs as well;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

pls. find further information on this show, the sound art pieces and the contributing artists at
www.gunst.info/radiator and at www.radia.fm

the next show will be transmitted thursday, june 16, 2011 from 3 pm to 4 pm (CET).

radiator x - 110602 - postcards
radia #319: gowanus over and out  + #180: leicester tape recording club

[pls. scroll down for english version]

wie klingen postkarten?

im ersten teil der sendung verfolgen wir mit maria papadomanolaki die spuren von klangpostkarten, die ursprünglich 2010 in der galerie des cabinet magazine in brooklyn ausgestellt waren.
im anschluss wird uns mark vernon noch einmal eine auswahl von ansichtskarten aus den archiven des leichester tape recording club präsentieren.

weitere informationen zur sendung unter www.gunst.info/radiator
sowie unter: www.radia.fm

credits: siehe unten

die nächste radiator-sendung wird am
donnerstag, 09. juni 2011 von 15-16 uhr ausgestrahlt.


how do postcards sound?

in the first part of the show, together with maria papadomanolaki we will follow the sonic traces of aural postcards that have been presented in the cabinet magazine('s ) gallery in brooklyn in october 2010.
afterwards mark vernon will show us again a selection of postcards from the leichester tape recording club's archive.

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
maria papadomanolaki and radio free103point9, new york, for sonic traces of postcards from gowanus;
mark vernon and resonance.fm for sending audio postcards from the leicester tape recording club;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

pls. find further information on this show, the sound art pieces and the contributing artists at
www.gunst.info/radiator and at www.radia.fm

the next show will be transmitted thursday, june 9, 2011 from 3 pm to 4 pm (CET).