Playlists - Herr Ebu
Jet Set, die Radio Escobar 4.2.25
1. MINA rotes plastik (CD "VA - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprise, 1998)
2. Interview with JOHANNES AEPPLI aka NOPAMIN Part 1
3. NOPAMIN song of nopamin (5xFile-EP "Same", AnalogMusiq, 2022)
4. Interview with JOHANNES AEPPLI aka NOPAMIN Part 2
5. NOPAMIN pretty stomped (christian strobel remix ii) (2xFile-Maxi "Pretty Stompid", self-released, 2023)
6. Interview with JOHANNES AEPPLI aka NOPAMIN Part 3
7. EMPTY STADIUMS expectations we have none (9xFile "Tales From The Void", self-released, 2021)
8. Interview with JOHANNES AEPPLI aka NOPAMIN Part 4
9. HUM/NOPAMIN burning air (26xFile "VA - Sound Of Frankfurt", self-released, 2024)
10. Interview with JOHANNES AEPPLI aka NOPAMIN Part 5
11. THE WATER SAFETY fantômas (CD "Happiness Is A Warm Wookie", self-released, 2013)
12. Interview with JOHANNES AEPPLI aka NOPAMIN Part 6
13. CLARA LUZIA gladly away (CD "The Long Memory", Asinella Records, 2007)
14. Interview with DAN BURKE aka ILLUSION OF SAFETY Part 1
15. ILLUSION OF SAFETY untitled 1 (Live-Performance, Radio X, Studio 2. 2023-11-29)
16. Interview with DAN BURKE aka ILLUSION OF SAFETY Part 2
18. Interview with DAN BURKE aka ILLUSION OF SAFETY Part 3
19. ILLUSION OF SAFETY untitled 4 (Extract) (Live-Performance, Radio X, Studio 2. 2023-11-29)
20. Interview with LOUISA LINDE Part 1
21. LOYLE CARNER dear jean (CD "Not Waving, But Drowning", AMF Records, 2019)
22. Interview with LOUISA LINDE Part 2
23. Extract of Radio X with Louisa LINDE & USCHI
24. Interview with LOUISA LINDE Part 3
25. OG KEEMO feat. LEVIN LIAM bee gees (LP "Fieber", Chimperator Productions, 2024)
26. Interview with LOUISA LINDE Part 4
27. Abmoderation
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Die Oberfläche des Chaos
Escobaronradiox @ Mixcloud:
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Cassette Culture:
5 February 2024 11am - 1pm (UTC+1)
The moderation of this show is in german and english. So if you shouldn't understand us, please enjoy our voices and of course... the music.
QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com
Next broadcast:
2025-03-04, 8-10pm (UTC+1): tba
1. MINA rotes plastik (CD "VA - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprise, 1998)
2. JOACHIM WITT träume im gegenwind (CD "Der Fels in der Brandung", self-released, Warner Music Central Europe. 2023)
3. HEATHER PERKINS bouffant hairdo (2-LP "Living Room 1987-1992", Bigbandalone, 2023)
4. Interview with REIMER AKA LE RIMEUR Part 1
5. REIMER AKA LE RIMEUR REIMER AKA LE RIMEUR hiphop legende (CDr "Histoires Européennes, keine leichte Kost", self-released, 2014)
6. Interview with REIMER AKA LE RIMEUR Part 2
7. REIMER AKA LE RIMEUR REIMER AKA LE RIMEUR rhein-main-city (CDr "Histoires Européennes, keine leichte Kost", self-released, 2014)
8. Interview with REIMER AKA LE RIMEUR Part 3
9. REIMER AKA LE RIMEUR rhein-main-city (hessian version a capella)
10. Interview with REIMER AKA LE RIMEUR Part 4
11. DJ CUT KILLER (MP3 "119.7 FM La Cliqua Show" (Extract), MC "La Cliqua Mixtape #11", 1995)
12. Interview with REIMER AKA LE RIMEUR Part 5
13. MAIN CONCEPT münchens diktatur (C100 "VA - The Bright Side Of Life", Flichi Musik, 1992)
14. PEOPLE LIKE US marais in mercury (CD "Copia", Cutting Hedge, 2024)
15. PEOPLE LIKE US happy jam (CD "Copia", Cutting Hedge, 2024)
16. DAS FREIE ORCHESTER torf terminal (16xMP3 "Debut & Abschied", NCR, 2020)
17. LORD LITTER the happy snail (16xMP3 "Litter's Reel All Itty", Harsh Reality Music, 2019)
18. LORD LITTER my friend prog (C60 "A Bad Case Of True Love", self-released, 1992)
19. LORD LITTER wild thing (C46 "The Birmingham Basher", Alternate Media Tapes, 1990)
20. LORD LITTER factor x LORD LITTER factor x (16xMP3 "Litter's Reel All Itty", Harsh Reality Music, 2019)
21. LORD LITTER leaving reality behind me (C60 "Torn Between Temptations", Kentucky Fried Royalty", 1991)
22. LORD LITTER i know what we could do (C60 "VA - The Pop Side Of IRRE-Tapes", Alternate Media Tapes, 1990)
23. DIETER MAUSON & LORD LITTER a. untitled (C15 "El Tiro Solitario, One Last Dream, Out Of The Blue, 1989)
24. DENSE ROOSTER - ANTONI JACHNA on the street (MC "The Home Of Sound", selfreleased, 2020)
Discoraphy (incomplete):
Escobaronradiox @ Mixcloud:
Herr Ebu Broadcasting @ Mixcloud:
@ Radio X:
Cassette Culture:
QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com
Next broadcast:
- Tuesday, 4 February 2025, 8-10pm (UTC+1): Annual Radio Review 2024, Part 2 of 2
1. MINA rotes plastik (CD "VA - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprise, 1998)
2. DUMB x-mas is dumb (2xMP3-Single "X-Mas Is Dumb", self-released, 2012)
3. PROCOL HARUM a christmas camel (LP "Same", Polydor, 1967)
4. X-MAS TRASHUPS carol of the grillz (12xMP3 "We Wish You A Scary Christmas", Lit-Ass-Christmas, 2018)
5. PROTOPLASM DADDY ding dong (12xMP3 "Hippocamp Christmas Compilation 2005", Hippocamp, 2004)
6. DJ C@SPER wonderful christmas time - steven olaf mix (3xMP3 "xMAS", selfreleased, 2014)
7. CELEBRATE THE BLODSHED fröhliche weihnacht (3xMP3 "Blutige Weihnachten II" selfreleased, 2019)
8. 360 PHOENIX FLIP rejoice tradition (20xMP3 "Pop Punk X-Mas", Ramone To The Bone, 2021)
9. X-MAS TRASHUPS on a island in the sleigh (10xMP3 "Vol. VII", Lit-Ass-Christmas, 2023)
10. SECRET CHIEFS 3 i saw mommey kissing santa claus (2xMP3, with Greg Turkington aka Neil Hamburger, selfreleased, 2017)
11. ANGROUS ken (feat. cool kennedy) (11xMP3 "Planet X-Mas", selfreleased, 2014)
12. WACHTEL OPTIMAL schneeflocken (CD "VA - Santa Monika", Monika Enterprise, 1999)
13. BUILT LIKE ALASKA and christmas snow is me (4xMP3 "Don't Mess With X-Mas", selfreleased, 2010)
14. KLAUS BEYER 2000 jahre weihnachten (CD "VA - Santa Monika", Monika Enterprise, 1999)
15. X-MAS TRASHUPS blue dog christmas (elvis in vegas), 9xMP3 "Vol. VI", Lit-Ass-Christmas, 2019)
16. VAN ROY ASYLUM mimikryja (feat. Chem & Helga) (50xMP3 "VA - Dark Virus X-Mas", Russian Dark Community, 2020)
17. GROSZSTADTPILOTEN schneeflug (MC "Morgen Kinder wird's was geben", Tonträger, 1993)
18. CHARLIE MURPHEY it's christmas (15xMP3 "VA - X-Max Extravaganza Vol. 2", Sons Of Old Town Collective, 2018)
19. DAVID EDREN jungle bells (C30 "VA - Christmas Compilation Vol. 1 - Jjingle Bells", Jj Funhouse)
20. N CHAMBERS glass (extract) (MC "VA - Christmas Compilation Vol. 3 "Icicle", Jj Funhouse, 2018)
21. AVE EVA (ODER DIE EROGENEN ZINEN DES GEISTES) heilige taten (C70 "VA - May I Have A Christmas Contract Volume Three", Demodum, 1982)
22. KLIMPEREI pour un allemand meimei (2xC62 "VA - The X-Mas Compilation", Ebus Music, 1992)
23. GESCHWISTER LA owie lacht A (MC "Owie Lacht", selfreleased, 199x)
24. RICHARD YOUNGS festival of carols - i saw three ships (LP "Advent", No Fans Records, 1990)
25. INTRO sancta lucia (C60 "VA - X-Mas Tunes", Hypertonia World Enterprises)
26. UNE CASSETTE DE NOEL mon beau sapin en allemand (5xMP3 "Same", selfreleased, 2013)
27. FAMILIE OLBRICH leise fällt der schnee ins land (MC "Weihnachten 1984", family-archive, 1984)
28. PICKUP STICKS i wish it was christmas (MC "VA - X-Mas Extravaganza Vol. 2", Sons Of Old Town, 2018)
29. HERBE SCHÖNHEIT es ist ein rossss entsprungen (MC "Morgen Kinder wird's was geben", Tonträger, 1993)
30. MAGIC MOMENTS AT TWILIGHT TIME x-mas with judy (MC, selfreleased)
31. BASE OF PYRAMID if you want an answer (2xC62 "VA - The X-Mas Compilation", Ebus Music, 1992)
Escobaronradiox @ Mixcloud:
Herr Ebu Broadcasting @ Mixcloud:
@ Radio X:
Cassette Culture:
QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com
Next broadcasts:
- Tuesday, 7 January 2025, 8-10pm (UTC+1): Annual Radio Review 2024, Part 1 of 2
- Tuesday, 4 February 2025, 8-10pm (UTC+1): Annual Radio Review 2024, Part 2 of 2
1. MINA rotes plastik (CD "VA - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprise, 1998)
2. LOYLE CARNER dear jean (CD "Not Waving, But Drowning", AMF Records, 2019)
3. LOUISA LINDE leseausschnitt aus kapitel 2 (Radio X, Studio 1, 2024-11-05)
4. OG KEEMO feat. LEVIN LIAM bee gees (LP "Fieber", Chimperator Productions, 2024)
5. LOUISA LINDE leseausschnitt aus kapitel 3 (Radio X, Studio 1, 2024-11-05)
6. THE BLACK GHOSTS full moon (CD "Same", Southern Fried Records, 2008)
7. ALIAS hier kommen wir (unreleased, 2001)
8. CRASH WORSHIP ADRV shadow weapon (MC "The Science Of Ecstasy" (Extract), Rocco Fresco, 1989)
9. ANTON BALSAM igenting te (MC "Helt I Min Egen Verden", Hypertonia World Enterprises, 1992)
10. ARIE VAN SCHUTTERHOEF het gebeuren (MC "Improvisaties En Stukken", Decay International, 1986)
11. CHRIST! jaffa jaffa (sowetan version) (MC "Please Don't Touch My Yoghurt", Music & Elsewhere, 1989)
12. GO PLUS madam (C30 "Smoke On The Water", selfreleased, 1994)
13. ZEMITER lepsze czasy 2 (MC "Same", Lado ABC, 2019)
14. CASABLANCA STYLE how to make a puppet (MC "Into Legend", Peeved Records, 1985)
15. FAGELDOED ajo ajo (MC "Kristus Gapskrattande" Konduktoer Records, 1985)
16. KEVIN O'NEILL cziltang brone (MC "Katharsis", Direction Music, 1990)
Louisa Linde - Die Oberfläche des Chaos:
Escobaronradiox @ Mixcloud:
Herr Ebu Broadcasting @ Mixcloud:
@ Radio X:
Cassette Culture:
QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com
Next broadcast: Tuesday, 3 December 2024, 8-10pm (UTC+1): X-Maxx to the Maxxx
1. ILLUSION OF SAFETY untitled 1 (Live-Performance, Radio X, Studio 2. 2023-11-29)
2. ILLUSION OF SAFETY entitled (CDr, Auf Abwegen, 2002)
3. ILLUSION OF SAFETY mother (C60 "Ecstatic Crisis", Complacency, 1986)
4. ILLUSION OF SAFETY untitled 2 (Live-Performance, Radio X, Studio 2. 2023-11-29)
5. ILLUSION OF SAFETY get in that room eliam (C50 "Violence And Geography", 1987)
6. ILLUSION OF SAFETY mors justi (C60 "Ecstatic Crisis", Complacency, 1986)
7. ILLUSION OF SAFETY untitled 3 (Live-Performance, Radio X, Studio 2. 2023-11-29)
8. ILLUSION OF SAFETY rve (MC "RVE", Complacency, 1991)
9. ILLUSION OF SAFETY untitled 4 (Live-Performance, Radio X, Studio 2. 2023-11-29)
10. ILLUSION OF SAFETY thermogenesis (CD "Pastoral", Korm Plastics, 2023)
Illusion Of Safety - main Homepage:
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Escobaronradiox @ Mixcloud:
Herr Ebu Broadcasting @ Mixcloud:
@ Radio X:
Cassette Culture:
QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com
Next broadcast: Tuesday, 5 November 2024, 8-10pm (UTC+1): h1. Louisa Linde, bookauthor of "Die Oberfläche des Chaos", Trabanten Verlag, h2. Cassette Culture
1. MINA rotes plastik (CD "V.A. - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprise, 1998)
2. LIPPS INC. funkytown (LP "Mouth To Mouth", Casablanca, 1979)
3. MAX WERNER crystals (so cold) ) LP "Seasons", Metronome, 1981)
4. 08/15 1000 gelbe tennisbälle (7"-Single, Konnekschen, 1981)
5. SPACE ART nous savons tout (7"-Single, IF Records, 1978)
6. HARRY THUMANN sphinx (LP "Andromeda", Philips, 1983)
7. WARNING the spider (LP "Electric Eyes", Vertigo, 1983)
8. WELTSCHMERTZ weltraumpiraten (LP "Same", Ahorn, 1982)
9. YNEY closed lection (CD "Micro Macro", Electroshock Records, 2010)
10. COLUMN ONE electric voices (CD "Electric Pleasure", 90% Wasser, 2001)
11. AMI MARIE verrückt nach glück (LP "Verrückt nach Glück", Ariola, 1981)
12. KLAUS NOMI icurok (CD "Simple Man", RCA, 1982, 1985)
13. ALEXANDER VAN DER LUBBE der spieler (MC "Soundtracks mehrerer Vilme", LA Tapes, 1983)
14. AMON HEN brainstorm (MC "Skeleton-Dances", self-released, 199x)
15. FINAL ALTERNATIVE RELATION PROSTHESIS dark sequence shadows (C60 "Lust", ADN Tapes, 1985)
16. BRUNST svamparna kallar (MC "Gud I London!", Hosianna Records, 2012)
17. MAGIC MOMENTS AT TWILIGHT TIME still feel sick (MC "Flashbax Volume 7", alternate Media Tapes)
18. SCHMERTZ DER WELTEN meine stadt (C30 "Wenn Sterne fallen...", Ebus Music, 1991)
19. M.NOMIZED le deux dernières images (C50 "Works", Ebus Music, 1991)
20. N.STOLZ the junkies (C20 "Some Acts Of Political Education / Parallel Zinen Musik", self-released, 1982)
21. NAOMI N'URU out demons out (MC "Status Symbol", self-released, 198x)
22. HUMAN FLESH second day (C60 "Life In Reverse / Meditation and Fears", Insane Music, 1989)
Escobaronradiox @ Mixcloud:
Herr Ebu Broadcasting @ Mixcloud:
Please listen also to "Alienated Voices" Part I:
@ Radio X:
Cassette Culture:
QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com
Next broadcast: Tuesday, 1 October 2024, 8-10pm (UTC+2): Illusion Of Safety (Pre-produced interview & exclusive live-performances)
1. MINA rotes plastik (CD "V.A. - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprise, 1998)
2. GYPZNIK dogs of duty (12-EP "Same", Rubbish Recordings, 1987)
3. SECTION 25 the last man in europe (CD "Love & Hate", LTM, 1986, 1988, 1999)
4. LORD LOUIS AND THE ENEMIES OF MAN war against (CD "Welcome Stranger", LBT Records, 1994)
5. SHARON STONED down (live) (CD-EP "Your Very Own E.P.", Columbia, 1997)
6. MARQUEE MOON the poison is working (Mini-LP "Beyond The Pale", Diadem, 1985)
7. SOLVEIG SLETTAHJELL & MORTEN QVENILD jenny wren (CD "VA - Verve Today 2012", Verve, 2012)
8. HONEYLOOPS sun flower (CD "VA - No Punks In K-Town", Dead Eye Productions, 1992)
9. THE INCREDIBLE FRED BANANA COMBO desert dance (LP "FBC", GeeBeeDee, 1981)
10. BLACKBOX the hour of truth (LP "Inside The Black Box", Circo Re, 1985)
11. TUB RACER jailbird (CD "VA - Komm Küssen Kompilation #5", Komm Küssen, 1998)
12. PEOPLE LIKE US marais in mercury (CD "Copia", Cutting Hedge, 2024)
13. ROOM 291 our lady of the snake pt. ii (C60 "Our Lady Of The Snakes", self-released, 1987)
14. BRUNST livsandarna (C30 "Rrröster", Konduktör Records, 1985)
15. THE TWIST there is no way (C46 "Searching The White Star", Stono Cassettenvertrieb, 1985)
16. ILLUSION OF SAFETY it shall be done (C60 "It's A Dead Dog", Complacency, 1986)
17. ROB PRESTON construction (C60 "Insect Mechanics", Direction Music, 1996)
18. EMPIRISCHE LÜGNER toto, lotto, spiel 77 (MC "Das erste Konzert auf deutschem Boden", Primitiv Tapes, 1982)
19. KRONSTADT el garbi (C60 "Kronstadt - Toshiyuki Hiraoka - Split", Lonely Whistle Music, 1988)
20. FINAL ALTERNATIVE RELATION "PROSTHESIS" ecstasy (C60 "Lust", ADN Tapes, 1985)
21. NAOMI N'URU blood thirsty (MC "Status Symbol", self-released, 198x)
22. RICK CRANE if the saucers should land in the jungle (MC "Kolyma", ICR, 1983)
Escobaronradiox @ Mixcloud:
Herr Ebu Broadcasting @ Mixcloud:
@ Radio X:
Cassette Culture:
QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com
Next broadcast: Tuesday, 3 September 2024, 8-10pm (UTC+2)