Neues aus dem Wasteland
"Stagnation - Tierische Klänge - Space u. Folk - Retroschein -
Früher war alles besser!?..."
01. EARTH- old black
v.A. "Angels of darkness, demons of light" (Southern Lord/USA´11)
02. GRAILS- all the colors of the dark
v.A. "Deep politics" (Temporary Residence/USA´11)
03. EXPLOSIONS IN THE SKY- trempling hands
v.A. "Take care, take care, take care", Temp. Res./USA´11)
04. YOUNG WIDOWS- lean on the ghost
v.A. "In and out of youth and lightness (Temp. Res./USA´11)
05. MY DISCO- turn
v.A. "Little joy" (Temp. Res./USA´11)
06. AKRON/FAMILY- silly bears
07. AKRON/FAMILY- island
08. AKRON/FAMILY- another sky
09. AKRON/FAMILY- light emerges
alle v.A. "The cosmic birth and journey of Shinju TNT" (Dead Oceans/USA´11)
10. PANDA BEAR- you can count on me
v.A. "Tomboy" (Paw Tracks/USA´11)
11. JULIANNA BARWICK- prizewinning
v.A. "The magic place", Asthmatic Kitty/USA´11)
12. PJ HARVEY- written on the forehand
13. PJ HARVEY- the words that maketh murder
beide v.A. "Let england shake" (Island´11)
v.A. "Dorwytch" (Thrill Jockey/USA´11)
15. SIX ORGANS OF ADMITTANCE- dawn, running home
v.A. "Asleep on the floodplain" (Drag City/USA´11)
16. IGNATZ- when the fall is all that is left
17. IGNATZ- streets & cars
beide v.A. "I hate this city" (Conspiracy/BEL´11)
18. METAL MOUNTAINS- the golden trees that shade us
v.A. "Golden Trees" (Amish/USA´11)
19. CRYSTAL STILTS- sycamore trees
20. CRYSTAL STILTS- prometheus at large
beide v.A. "In love with oblivion" (Fortuna Pop/UK´11)
21. DUM DUM GIRLS- there is a light that never goes out
v. CD-Single "He gets me hight" (Sub Pop/USA´11)
22. MOON DUO- when you cut
v.A. "Mazes" (Souterrain Transmissions/UK´11)
Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band
(Als Tribut an Don Van Vliet: 1941 - 2010)
mit Martin S. u. Reiner Bös
Unterlegmusik: John Fahey
01. Diddy wah diddy
v. "The legendary A&M Sessions" (1965/1984)
02. Zig zag wanderer
03. Electricity
beide v.A. "Safe as milk" (1967)
04. Kandy korn
05. Trust us
beide v.A. "Mirror man" (1967/68) u. "Strictly Personal" (1968)
06. HOWLIN´WOLF- spoonful
v.A. "s/t" (1962)
07. ORNETTE COLEMAN- rock the clock (1971)
v.A. "Science fiction" (1971)
08. Dachau blues
09. My human gets me blues
10. Steal softly thru snow
alle v.A. "Trout mask replica" (1969)
11. Doctor dark
12. i love you big dummy
beide v.A. "Lick my decals off, baby" (1970)
13. Click clack
v.A. "The spotlight kid" (1972)
14. Low yo yo stuff
15. Big eyed beans from venus
v.A. "Clear Spot" (1972)
16. Observatory crest
v.A. "Blue jeans & moonbeams" (1974)
17. MALLARD- road to marocco
v.A. "s/t" (1975)
18. FRANK ZAPPA- Debra Kadabra
v.A. "Bongo fury" (1975)
19. The floppy boot stomp
20. Bat chain puller
beide v.A. "Shiny beast" (1978)
21. Ashtray heart
22. Run paint run run
beide v.A. "Doc at the radar station (1980)
23. The host, the ghost, the most holy-o
24. The past sure is tense
beide v.A. "Ice cream for crow (1982)
25. Hot head
siehe 22.
26. FRANK ZAPPA- willi the pimp
v.A. "Hot rats" (1969)
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