radio x Spendenmarathon 2011

 „... wir renovieren weiter“ lautet das Motto des radio x Spendenmarathon 2011
vom 12. bis 26. November.

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radio x Spendenmarathon Jingle 2011

Schon 2009 konnten wir durch die Spendenunterstützung unserer Hörerinnen und Hörer unser Studio 1 von radio x erneuern. Nach 14 Jahren Dauerbetrieb benötigt nun Studio 2 eine gründliche Auffrischung. Diese Kosten kann radio x nicht aus seinem laufendem Etat aufbringen. Zwei Wochen lang wird radio x deshalb mit Sonderprogrammen und kleinen Events auf sich aufmerksam machen, um das Spendenziel von 15.000 € zu erreichen. Alle aktuellen Informationen zu den geplanten Sonderaktionen während der Zeit des Spendenmarathons findet Ihr immer hier auf unserer Webseite.

  • WIr haben unsere Webseite renoviert!

"Alles Neu macht der März" hieß es im März 2008, als wir mit einer Webseiten Überarbeitung von online gingen. Nach 3 1/2 Jahren fanden wir es an der Zeit, Euch und uns einen Relaunch zu schenken. Altbewährtes ist auf unserer Webseite geblieben, einiges haben wir aufgefrischt & aufgeräumt.

stern 18pt

Alle aktuellen radio x Infos findet Ihr jetzt auf einen Blick ganz oben auf der Webseite. Alles was wichtig ist: Wochenprogramm & Sendetipps, Livestream, Playlists und unsere online Rubrik radio x geht aus (Party, Konzert, Flohmarkt, Kino, Ausstellungseröffnung, ... - check out!). Ebenfalls im oberen Menü findet Ihr das neue Suchfeld.

Die allgemeinen Infos über radio x sind auf der linken Seite geblieben.
Der Link "Alle Sendungen" hat nun zwei Funktionen:
• Mauszeiger drüber: alle radio x Sendungen auf einen Blick
• Mauszeiger klicken: Kurzbeschreibungen zu allen Sendungen
Wir bemühen uns, dass bald alle radio x Sendungen für Euch per E-Mail zu erreichen sind.

stern radio x

screenshot-liveplayer Endlich...! Neu ist unser online Standalone-Player. Mit einem Klick öffnet sich der radio x Player in einem neuen kleinen Fenster. Unser Livestream startet automatisch und Ihr seht, welche Sendung aktuell on air ist. Zum ausprobieren einfach den linken Sreenshot anklicken! Erst vor einem Monat haben wir unseren Livestream umgestellt und noch einmal unseren Sound verbessert (Danke! Alexander Bopp). Ihr hört uns jetzt via Livestream garantiert rauschfrei & in guter Stereoqualität.

Eure radio x Statements zu "Ich höre radio x, weil..." sind natürlich der Startseite erhalten geblieben. Bei jedem neuen Laden der Startseite werden sechs neue Hörerfotos per Zufallsprinzig angezeigt. Wenn Ihr mit der Maus über die Fotos geht, könnt Ihr die Kommtentare zu "Ich höre radio x, weil..." lesen. Falls Ihr Euch noch nicht eingetragen habt, könnt Ihr das natürlich sofort nachholen. Gesellt Euch zu den 1800 anderen radio x Hörerinnen & Hörern und schreibt Euren eigenen Beitrag zu "Ich höre radio x, weil...".

stern 18pt

A big hand und ein super herzliches Dankeschön für die technische Umsetzung unserer Webseite an Alexander Schmidt von EDVAS. Er kann sich "support your local station" auf die Fahnen schreiben.

Schaut die nächsten Tage wieder hier bei uns auf vorbei.
... es liegt im November ein radio x Spendenmarathon in der Luft.

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Euer Küchen-, Koffer-, Wecker-, Auto- oder HiFi-Radio auf der FM 91,8
radio x


→ english version

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Flagge Finnland Finnisch / suomi
Flagge Frankreich Französisch / français
Flagge Italien Italienisch / Italiano
Flagge Suedkokrea Koreanisch / 한국말
Flagge Portugal Portugiesisch / Português
Flagge Spanien Spanisch / español
Flagge Tuerkei Türkisch / Türkçe

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radio x

音乐家和艺术家在radio x制作一套高质量的广播节目。

radio x提供内容广泛而丰富的节目,从实况音乐、

radio x是非商业性的地方电台。作为公益性协会,

在法兰克福地区,您可在调频91,8 fm 或有线频道99,85收听radio x。
在网上可通过MP3-Livestream收听radio x。

* * *

radio x

Kymmenen vuoden sisukas työ paikallisradion perustamiseksi Frankfurtiin saavutti päämääränsä, kun syyskuussa 1997 radio x sai virallisen NKL-lupakirjan (NKL = ei-kaupallinen paikallisradio) ja aloitti ohjelmatuotannon.

Yli 100 ryhmää ja aktivistia, kirjailijaa, muusikkoa ja taiteilijaa tekevät radio x :ssä korkealaatuista ohjelmaa.

radio x tarjoaa laajan valikoiman lähetyksiä, elävästä musiikista ja tiskijukkasessioista makasiinityyppisiin lähetyksiin, joissa kerrotaan kaikista mahdollisista yhteiskunnallisista asioista, kuten:
musiikki, taide, kulttuuri, politiikka, kirjallisuus, teatteri, tanssi, elokuva, sarjakuvat ja pelit; on myös lastenradio, kaupunginosaradio; eri tyylisuuntien erikoisosaajat ja kannattajat kertovat tekemisistään; on ohjelmia sekä euroopalaisilla että euroopan ulkopuolisilla kielillä; on komediaa, kuunnelmia, äänikoosteita, ym.

radio x on ei-kaupallinen paikallisradio ja yleishyödyllinen yhdistys, joka rahoittaa toimintansa lahjoituksilla, jäsenmaksuilla ja yleisillä apurahoilla.

Frankfurtissa radio x kuuluu taajudella 91,8 fm tai 99,85 kaapelin kautta. Internetissä voi kuunnella radio x:ä MP3-livestreamin kautta.

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radio x

radio x émet sur les ondes depuis septembre 1997 avec une licence officielle pour une Radio Locale non Commerciale. Après 10 ans de dur travail, elle est maintenant établie comme radio locale à Francfort.

Plus de 100 groupes, initiatives, auteurs, musiciens et artistes permettent a radio x d'offrir un programme de qualité: un large spectre d émissions de musique Live, de sessions DJ mais aussi de programmes dans tous les domaines:
Musique, art, culture, politique, littérature, théâtre, danse, cinéma, BD et jeux, radio pour enfants, radio de quartier, programme pour de vrais spécialistes et des fans de tous les styles, programmes dans diverses langues européennes et non-européennes, humour, jeux, collage de son, etc.

radio x est une radio non commerciale, une association à but non lucratif qui se finance à l'aide de dons, de cotisations de membres et de fonds publics.

Vous pouvez recevoir radio x sur 91,8 FM ou sur le câble 99,85. Vous pouvez aussi écouter radio x en streaming sur Internet.

* * *

radio x

Dopo più di 10 anni di dura preparazione per affermare una emittente radiofonica locale a Francoforte, nel settembre del 1997 radio x ha iniziato i suoi programmi on air con licenza ufficiale per una radio locale non commerciale.

Più di 100 gruppi e iniziative, autori, musicisti e artisti diffondono tramite radio x un programma notevole.

Inoltre, radio x offre un vasto spettro di trasmissioni dalla musica live e DJ-sessions fino a programmi su tutti i settori della società:
Musica, arte, cultura, politica, letteratura, teatro, danza, cinema, comics e giochi, radio per bambini, un programma per veri specialisti e fans di tutti gli stili, programmi in diverse lingue europee e non europee, commedie, radiodrammi, soundcollage, ecc…

radio x essendo una radio locale non commerciale, viene finanziata in quanto società di pubblica utilità tramite offerte, contributi dei membri e soldi pubblici.

Per ascoltare radio x, la frequenza è 91,8 FM oppure con il cavo su: 99,85. Su internet radio x la si può ascoltare attraverso MP3-Livestream.

* * *

→ radio x

프랑크푸르트에 지역라디오를 설치하기위해 10년 이상의 준비 기간을 거친후 라디오 엑스가 1997년 9월 드디어 비상업 지역라디오로 허가를 받고 전파를 탔다.

100개 이상의 모임과 동아리, 작가, 음악가 그리고 예술가들이 수준높은 프로그램을 준비한다.

라디오 엑스는 생음악과 디제이 세션 그리고 사회의 모든분야를 총 망라해서 소식을 들려주 등 다양한 방송을 제공한다:
음악, 예술, 문화, 정치, 문학, 연극, 댄스, 영화, 만화와 놀이, 어린이 방송, 구역방송, 모든분야의 매니아들을 위한 프로그램, 유럽내외의 언어로 방송되는 프로그램, 코메디, 라디오연속극 등.

라디오엑스는 비상업적인 지역라디오이며 기부금, 회원금 그리고 정부 보조금으로 유지되는 지역사회를 위한 단체다.

프랑크푸르트에서는 91,8m , 케이블은 99,85로 들을수 있고 인터넷에선 MP3-Livestream으로 들을 수 있다.

* * *

radio x

Após intensivo trabalho de preparação inaugurou-se em Setembro de 1997 em Frankfurt uma estação de rádio local denominada rádio x devidamente autorizada e sem objectivos comercias locais.

Mais de 100 Grupos e iniciativas, autores, músicos e artistas transmitem na rádio x um programa de grande valor e qualidade.

A rádio x oferece uma alargada escolha de emissões de música ao vivo e sessões de DJ até Programas que fazem um relatório sobre todas as areas da sociedade:
Música, artes, cultura, política, literatura, teatro, dança, cinema, animações e jogos, rádio para crianças, rádio local, programa para verdadeiros especialistas e seus admiradores em todos os estilos e areas, programa em diversas línguas europeias e não só, comédias e histórias.

A rádio x não é uma rádio comercial local, é financiada por donativos das associações, quotas dos associados e por dinheiros públicos.

Em Frankfurt sintoniza-se a rádio x na frequência FM 91,8 ou através do cabo 99,85. Pela a Internet existe a possibilidade de ouvir a rádio via MP3 Livestream.

* * *

radio x

Después de diez años trabajando duramente para preparar el establecimiento de una radio local, en septiembre del anyo 1997 radio x empezó a emitir su programa con la licencia oficial como NKL (radio local no comercial).

Màs de 100 grupos e iniciativas, autores, músicos y artistas presentan en radio x un progarama de alta calidad.

radio x presenta un gran espectro de diferentes tipos de programas, de música en vivo o sesiones de D.J.´s hasta programas que informan sobre todas las areas de la sociedad:
música, arte, cultura, política, literatura, teatro, danza, cine, cómics y juegos, radio para niños, radio de barrio, programas para verdaderos especialistas de muchos estilos no solo musicales, programas en diferentes idiomas europeos y no-europeos, café-teatro, piezas radiofónicas, remezclas de sonidos, etc.

radio x es una radio no comercial y se financia como asociación no lucrativa, recibiendo donaciones, cuotas de socios y fondos públicos.

En Frankfurt se puede recibir radio x en 91,8 fm o en 99,85 via cable. En Internet se recibe radio x por el Livestream en formato MP3.

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→ radio x

Frankfurt´ta yerel bir radyo kanalini kurmak icin 10 yillik zorlu hazirliktan sonra, radio x 1997´nin Eylül´ünde bir NKL Radio(ticari olmayan yerel radio) icin verilen resmi bir lisansla yayina basladi.

Sayisi 100 ü gecen Grup, inisyatif, yazar, müzisyen ve sanatcilar radio x te yüksek kaliteli bir program yayinliyorlar.

radio x, canli müzik ve DJ-Sessions tan toplumun her kesiminden bahseden magazinlere kadar uzanan, genis kapsamli yayinlari sunuyor:
Müzik, Kütür, Sanat, Politika, Edebiyat, Tiyatro, Dans, Cinema, Cizgifilm ve oyunlar, Cocukradyasu, Mahalleradyosu; her türlü stilin gercek hayranlari icin programlar, cesitli avrupa-dilinde ve avrupa disinda konusulan dillerde program, Komedi, Soundcollagen vb.

radio x ticari amac gütmeyen yerel bir radiodur ve finansmanini topluma faydali bir klüb olarak bagislardan, üye aidatlarindan ve resmi fonlarin paralarindan karsilar.

Frankfurt´ta radio x kanalini 91,8 fm den veya 99,85 kablo-kanalindan dinleyebilirsiniz. Internette radio x i MP3-Livestream den dinlenilebilir.

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→ other languages

  • Who we are
  • Where we come from
  • What we offer
  • What else we offer
  • Why we are important
  • Why we need your support
  • How you can broadcast with us
  • Other things of importance
  • the x from radio x

    Who we are
    radio x

    radio x is a noncommercial radio station in the city of Frankfurt am Main. More than 1000 citizens composed of about 80 groups from Frankfurt, Offenbach and surrounding areas create advertisement-free non-commercial radio for their region. All the editors work on a volunteer basis.

    The main non-profit organization Radio-X-Mix e.V. works a bit differently than local "open/public" channels; being not only legally responsible for programming (content and form), but also financially (technical operations/equipment) responsible.

    We have been broadcasting daily, 24 hours a day since September 22nd, 1997. Our broadcasts reach over 1 million households in the region. The average amount of weekly listeners amounting to around 85000 people.

    radio x can be received in the region of Frankfurt/Main under 91.8 MHz UKW (antenna) or under 99.85 MHz UKW (cable). We are also able to heard outside the Frankfurt area through live streaming from the internet.

    Our goals are:

  • to broadcast a supplementation of local reporting and to contribute to a variety of opinions
  • to expand cultural programming
  • to promote local communication
  • to offer a platform for participation in radio broadcasting to people (or groups of people) who have no or little access to public media
  • the promotion of new program formats
  • to impart media competence
  • radio x team, 2006

    Where we come from
    Our history

    Many listeners in Frankfurt and the surrounding areas know radio x from our broadcasting efforts in May 1996 and March 1997, some even form our first experiments in 1987/1988. radio x has been on air since the 22nd of September 1997; more than a decade after initial efforts to create a city-radio station for Frankfurt and Offenbach.

    It all started in 1986 when several artists came together and formed a “radio x” group. During the “Documenta” (an international exhibition of modern art in Kassel Germany) the group made it’s on-air debut airing for a duration of four weeks.

    The broadcasters stood under the patronage of the Hessischen Rundfunk/HR (the public broadcasting service from the German state of Hesse). A year later radio x was on air again, broadcasting live from the Frankfurt bookfair and once again in 1988 broadcasting for 10 days from the “Städelschule” (a renowned Frankfurt arts school).

    Not until 9 years later did Radio X-Mix e.V. receive from the “Landesanstalt für privaten Rundfunk”/LPR (the German governmental institution for private broadcasting) in the German state of Hesse, the license and frequency to start airing as a Frankfurt local radio station.

    LPR speaking with the “Frankfurter Rundschau” (a major Frankfurt newspaper) on April 16th 1997:

    “Decisive for the licensing was the structure and especially the cultural programming; both factors promise an effective publicizing supplementation- in political as well as cultural reporting- for the present Frankfurt radio landscape.”

    Jan & Namé, RadioXperience 1997

    What we offer
    Program Contents

    Our program editors, groups and authors cover almost every area of interest for our multicultural influenced listeners. Our program makers grasp at exactly those topics that don’t receive any attention from the other media. By doing so, we are contributing substantially to the variety of opinions in the region.

    Amongst other things our programming includes:

  • thematical programs about current cultural and political occurrences with special emphasis to our region
  • literature-, science, and film programs
  • permanent programs that are dedicated to different areas of Frankfurt-city (for example: Gallusfenster)
  • programs in foreign languages such as: Persian, Finnish, Spanish, Catalonian, Basque, Turkish and different African dialects
  • a “daily events” program as well as a week daily “breakfast radio”
  • a student program, as well as several separate programs in affiliation with children’s and youth’s projects
  • comedy and satire shows
  • the Dj-night
  • a program for gays and lesbians
  • radio fanomania, the program made by and for “Eintracht” (Frankfurt’s soccer team) fans
  • several music programs with emphasis on different themes; for example: “VirusMusikRadio” (formerly known as “Kick-Radio”), a program about the local Frankfurt music scene
  • radio-plays and sound experiments

  • Jim Avignon

    What else we offer
    Media Competence

    radio x doesn't just offer citizens of the region a public forum in the medium of radio, but also imparts a considerable amount of media competence. We go way over the standard rules - as defined by the LPR, in our mission to impart media competence.

  • Seminars
  • In narration, engineering, law and editing seminars, our program makers learn to turn their programs into professional contributions.

  • Children / Youth Projects
  • From temporary to permanent children’s and youths projects (for example: Bootleg the student program from the Helmholtzschool, or Cobra - Children’s broadcasting), we offer even real young residents a platform for their media work.

  • Hörerfenster
  • In our weekday "Hörerfenster" (also known as “listener's window“), we offer beginners an easy way to get started. With the "Hörerfenster" we unburocratically provide a program slot for any interested resident - with an individual introduction to law and engineering - who wants the possibility to broadcast their program.

  • Broadcasting Practice
  • Seminars offer the foundation for future program makers. Only after practicing with your self-created program, does the theoretical knowledge deepen. This is where a "live" broadcasting station differs immensely as compared to the usual educational offers. With radio x, citizens do not just learn how to "speak" in theory and construed situations but experience journalistic work and the association with this medium in its complete bandwidth: from choosing program themes, to researching, to implementation of their knowledge, up to the reaction of the listeners, as well as the effect of their work in the public.

  • Career Stepping Stone
  • For many of our members, the work at radio x has been the start of a career in the media industry, whether in the print media, television, or at other broadcasting stations. Also artists such as the comedy duo Mundstuhl, took their first steps at radio x. We are not only a "stepping stone", but also through our regular internships and our cooperation with the Werkstatt Frankfurt, offer an important position in vocational and extended vocational training.

    Why we are important
    The significance of radio x for the area of Frankfurt

    Over the years, radio x has developed into an important building block for the cultural network of the region. We are not only a part of the local culture, but also it's promoter. Through editorial reports we give cultural groups, concert organizers, publishing companies, bands and small record labels the possibility of introducing themselves, a project, or an event to the public.

    - We work together with the cultural institutes from Frankfurt and the surrounding areas.

    This includes among other things:

  • concert organizers and theater: for example Mousonturm, Callus-theater, Stalburg, Batschkapp, Hafen 2,Theaterhaus, Childeren's-Youththeater Germany
  • institutions from the area of art education: for example Schirn and Portikus
  • institutions from the area of media: for example Filmbüro and Filmhaus Frankfurt
  • educational institutions: for example J-W-Goethe University, FH Frankfurt, A.b.K. Städel, H.f.G. Offenbach, School for fashion and graphic design, Helmholz-grammar school
  • organizations and nonprofits: for example Eintracht Frankfurt (Frankfurt's soccer team), Deutscher Kinderschutzbund (German children's protective organization), Indian Vibes-new generations e.V., Stoma e.V., Virus e.V.
  • all large Frankfurt music labels

  • School for fashion & graphic design, Museumsuferfest 2007

    - We are publicly present through our regular events

    Some of the places and events that we can be seen and heard at:

  • the Frankfurt Museumsuferfest (with live three day coverage)
  • the Sound of Frankfurt (with our own stage)
  • our yearly radio x street-fest
  • alternating clubs and theaters with our radio x parties
  • during interactive radio and art activities with our listeners, as well as other events at public venues
  • Tango, Museumsuferfest 2007

    Why we need your support
    Our financial basis

    radio x finances itself exclusively from donations and membership fees as well as public funds.

    - Why it’s this way

    By law, city radio stations in the state of Hesse can only be run as noncommercial local broadcasting (NKL). Therefore advertisement and sponsoring fall to the wayside as a financial source. This is basically good for radio x, since our independence from advertisement and sponsorship contracts, guarantees us a free choice of topics and opinions in our programming.

    - The cost of programming and where the money comes from

    The Hessische Landesanstalt (the German state of Hesse governmental institution) for private broadcasting takes over a part of the accrued costs. But, a significant part of the running costs must be paid by the nonprofit association Radio X-Mix e.V., through membership fees and donations.

    Yearly budget 2006

    - Earnings

    66.500,-Euro direct funding provided through the LPR
    approximately 4.000,-Euro for replacement purchases, media competence, financed by the LPR
    approximately 10.000,-Euro membership fees
    approximately 4,.000,-Euro donations
    approximately 12.000,-Euro proceeds from events and advertisement in the monthly program pamphlet
    approximately 96.500,-Euro yearly total budget

    - Spending

    30.000,-Euro office rent
    approximately 10.000,-Euro operations costs
    30.000,-Euro salaries (for management, technical engineers, cleaning personal)
    approximately 5.000,-Euro for average upkeep and replacement of equipment
    approximately 19.500,-Euro printing costs for monthly program-pamphlet
    approximately 2.000,-Euro for seminars, interns, promoting media competence
    approximately 96.500,-Euro yearly total expenses

    In comparison we cost the payers of radio and television fees (it is mandatory that German residents pay quarterly fees for public television and radio broadcasting) very little. Measured with the 66.500,-Euro funding, that we receive from broadcasting fees, and the supposed 750,000 people in the Frankfurt area that pay those fees, we receive just 9 cents a year from every person.

    How you can broadcast with us
    The possibilities for participating

    radio x is not an “open channel”. We must be different than the open channels. We must also take legal and financial responsibility for all programs. That’s why one can’t just book “airtime” with us. Nevertheless radio x also isn’t a “closed” channel either.

    The Harald Biehl & Max Schumacher-Show, live at the Atelier '07

    There are several different ways to take part in the programming of radio x for those who are interested.

    - The Hörerfenster

    For those who want to just broadcast, once, or just every so often, can do this in a simplified process during the week, between 1300-1400 in our openly scheduled “Hörerfenster”.

    - Single contributions

    For those who don’t want to create a whole program, but wish to produce a report, or play music for example, you may participate in the already existing editorial groups and magazine programs. Also, one can form with others a new editorial group or magazine.

    - Your own regular program

    Every group, or person can apply for their own program. In order to realize one’s own plans, wishes, capabilities, and capacities, it is necessary to do several shows during the Hörenfenster hour. Moreover, at least one member of the group has to participate in the courses offered by radio x, in order to qualify to receive broadcasting responsibility. When the group/person has experienced a couple of shows under the Hörenfenster, and realizes what and how much she/he can produce, then she/he can apply with their program concept to the program commission for a regular program slot.

    Other things of importance
    About Us / organizational structure

    radio x is produced in Frankfurt. The station and office is located under this address:

    radio x / Radio X-Mix e.V.
    Schützenstraße 12
    60311 Frankfurt

    Our office is open during the weekdays between 10.00-17.00 hours. We are able to be contacted by phone under (+49) 069 - 2997.1220.

    Our editorial department can be reached
    by phone under (+49) 069 - 2997.1222
    or by fax under (+49) 069 - 2997.1223.

    The groups and entities:

    - The main non-profit organization: Radio X-Mix e.V.

    radio x is run by the main non-profit (Radio X-Mix e.V.). It is the owner of the broadcasting license and legal representative of the station. The main non-profit is responsible for the abidance of the statutory provisions, as well as other guidelines (for example the non-profit statutes from the LPR).

    - The board of directors

    The main non-profit organization is represented by the board of directors. The board of directors consists of three persons voted in by the members.

    - The management

    The management is commissioned through the board of directors to do the day-to-day business. The manager, Katja Weißenberger, is the only permanent employee for radio x.

    - The program commission

    The program commission coordinates the airtimes of the participants according to the program principles (diversity of opinion, local references, etc.). It pays attention to continuity and quality in the programs, and especially encourages the development of new listenening formats. The program commission is voted in by the broadcasting collective.

    - The broadcasting collective

    The broadcasting collective is made up from the groups, and persons that currently create the regularly scheduled programs.

    Lynn & Cue Pate