jazz 91.8 feb 18 2015
01. Verneri Pohjola / Another Day / Bullhorn / Edition
02. Verneri Pohjola / Nanomachines / Bullhorn / Edition
03. Aki Rissanen-Jussi Lehtonen Quartet / Scriabin / Aki Rissanen-Jussi Lehtonen Quartet With Dave Liebman / Ozella Music
04. Bart Wirtz / iDreamer / iDreamer / Challenge Records
05. Bart Wirtz / Sun Chime / Interview / Challenge Records
06. Osterburg Trio / At Any Time / Preferences
07. Fabiano do Nascimento / Forró Brasil / Danca Dos Tempos / Now Again
08. Tulalah / Selma / Equinox Rec
09. Berlin Metropol Orchestra / Berlin Müsste Süden Sein
10. Onom Agemo & The Disco Jumpers / Issawa / Cranes And Carpets / Agogo
jazz 91.8 feb 04 2015
01. Contrast Trio / Closer To You / Zwei / Whyempty
02. Giger Lenz Marron / Quinar / The Best Of Peter Giger & Family Of Percussion / Intuition
03. Jan Fryderyk Creativ Sound / Bratek / Faun / Wergo
04. Family Of Percussion & Guests / Trans Tanz / The Best Of Peter Giger & Family Of Percussion / Intuition
05. Florian Pellissier Quintet / Valse Pour Helene / Biches Bleues / Heavenly Sweetness
06. The Rongetz Foundation / Where Are You This Morning Jazz / Kiss Kiss Double Jab / Heavenly Sweetness
07. The Rongetz Foundation / Kiss Kiss Double Jab / Kiss Kiss Double Jab / Heavenly Sweetness
08. The Rongetz Foundation / Cab Samba / Kiss Kiss Double Jab / Heavenly Sweetness
09. Azymuth / Ta Nessa Ainda Bicho / Aurora / Far Out
10. Darryl Reeves / Southern Lights / Mercury / Epic Life Music Group
11. Kilimanjaro Dub & Riddim Society / Cool Baby! / Dance For Peace / Boomslang Records
12. Kilimanjaro Dub & Riddim Society / KDR Soul / Dance For Peace / Boomslang Records
13. The Funky Knuckles / 16 Bars / Meta-Musica / Ground Up
14. Andy Waddell / The 27 Club / Alive
15. The Dave Shank Quintet / Darkening / Soundproof / Rhombus-Records
16. Aki Rissanen/Jussi Lehtonen Quartet With Dave Liebman / In The Corner / Aki Rissanen/Jussi Lehtonen Quartet With Dave Liebman / Ozella Music
17. Karl Latham-Ryan Carniaux-Mark Egan-Nick Rolfe / I See Who You Are / Constellations / Challenge-Double Moon
18. Sun Ra / Advice To Medics
jazz 91.8 dec 21+22 21h, 9pm cet + 12h,12pm cet
01. The Rongetz Foundation / Where are you this morning jazz
02. Fay Victor / People Are Strange
03. Dimitar Liolev / Bp Jazz
04. Arne Huber Quartet / Pearls
05. Eddie Reyes / Muana
06. Peter Calandra / Danger Zone
07. The Ninth Wave / The Great Rift
08. FORQ / Viridiana
09. Contrast Trio / Homesick
next radioshows: the jazzmadass radioshow fri 23 12h cet
the jazzmadass radioshow fri 30 12h cet
jazz 91.8 wed feb 06 21h, 9pm cet (2 hours!! no rerun on thur)
dj jazzmadass: sa 24 >>> old fashioned bar, ffm sachsenhausen
ja 91.8 jan 07 2015
01. Benny Bailey / Subumbra / Mirrors / Schema-Rearward
02. Wesseltoft Schwarz Berglund / This Is My Day / Trialogue / Jazzland
03. Kristian Persson Elements / Boombap / Let It Go / Reach Up Music
04. Resolution 88 / Live Wire / Press Play EP / Synthethesia Records
05. Eddie Russ / Zauis / See The Light / Monument
06. Jeff Lorber Fusion / Fab Gear / Hacienda / Heads Up International
07. Javier Alcantara / Duende De Luz / Short Stories
08. Lars Bartkuhn / All Goes Onward / Passion Dance Orchestra / Ropeadope
09. Daniel Crawford / Your Guess Is As Good As Mine / The Awakening
10. Quartetto di Lucca / Estate 61 / Quartetto / Schema-Rearward
11. Tucci & Mannutza / Tea for Two / Lunar / Schema-Rearward
12. Conjunto Sérgio Carvalho / Balaio / VA Nicola Conte Presents Viagem 5 / Far Out
13. Pedrinho Mattar Trio / Neurotico / VA Nicola Conte Presents Viagem 5 / Far Out
14. Antonio Adolfo / Rio Choro Jazz / Rio Choro Jazz / Aam Music
15. Tobias Grim / Brazil Lines / Brazil Lines / Imogena Records
16. Kendall Moore / Focus / Focus
17. The Cheryl Hodge Group / Tree People (feat. John Stowell) / One Day When I Wasn't Looking / Records
18. Chris McNulty / Summer Me, Winter Me / Whispers The Heart / Elefant Dreams
19. Dizzy Gillespie / Swing Low, Sweet Cadillac / Swing Low, Sweet Cadillac / Impulse
jazz 91.8 dec 17 2014
Miles Davis / Blue Xmas feat Bob Dorough / CBS
Hans Koller Quartet / Mingus Privat / VA Frankfurt Sound / Bellaphon
Matthias Vogt Trio / Driver / VA INFRACOM pres.:20+yrs in jazznotjazz / Infracom
A Coral Room / Abracadabrant / VA Frankfurt Sound / Bellaphon
Sebastian Studnitzky / Dolphin Dance / Trio / Herzog Records
Cremer-Gjakonovski-Sasse-Weniger / New Perspective / Spring
Cremer-Gjakonovski-Sasse-Weniger / Shattered Sirius / Spring
Joe Henderson / Black Narcissus / Black Narcissus / Milestone
Horace Silver / Rufus Dufus feat Andy Bey / It's Got To Be Funky / Blue Note
Brian Eno / Eastern Cities / The Shutov Assembly
jazz 91.8 dec 03 2014
Africa Express / In C Mali / Transgressive
Cecilia Stalín & Khari Cabral Simmons / Norwegian Wood / Story Of Love EP / Bandcamp
Jason Rebello / Know What You Need (Featuring Omar) / Anything But Look / Lyte Records
Joyce Moreno / O Morro Não Tem Vez / Raiz / Far Out
Carolina Bubbico / At Sunset / Controvento
Samuel Prather / Never Will I Marry / G.O! / 2 A.M. Music
Joki Freund Sextett / The Caribean Ringo / V.A. Frankfurt Sound / Bellaphon
Emil Mangelsdorff Quartet ft. Joe Gallardo, Wilson de Oliveira, Manfred Schoof / Für Emil / V.A. Frankfurt Sound / Bellaphon
Fredrik Kronkvist / Meltdown Blues (Crew's Brew) / Reflecting Time / Connective
Piero Umiliani / Tension / Smog OST / Schema Rearward
Monk Montgomery / Little O's / Reality
Butcher Brown / Forest Green / All Purpose Music / Jellowstone-Ropeadope
Spare Parts / Watch Your Step / Spare Parts / Ropeadope
Mark de Clive-Lowe / Brukstep / Church / Ropeadope-Mashibeats
The Funk Ark / Headband / Man Is A Monster / Ropeadope
Michael J McEvoy / Silverlink Express / The Long Way Home / Rezzonator Music Ltd
Bill Dickens / Footprints / Tha Truth / Ropeadope
Roseanna Vitro / Web of Love (Inquietacao) / Clarity, Music of Clare Fischer
Michel Banabila, Anne Bakker, Mehmet Polat, Anton Goudsmit / Lapidarium / Float
Max Clouth Clan ft. TL Mazumdar / Aruna / V.A. Frankfurt Sound / Bellaphon
next radioshow: the jazzmadass radioshow fr dec 05 12h
dj jazzmadass: old-fashioned bar ffm sachsenhausen fr dec 05 21:30h
jazz dates:
5.12. Jazzbigband Graz AB, Colossaal
5.12. No Lega3+5/CD-release Frankfurt Sound Freitagsküche
8.12. Spendel3 OF, Berdux Weinhandel
8.12. Django Asül NTH
8.12. Nils Landgren DA, Central Station
11.12. Böhm 4 feat Enders Jazzkeller
11.12. Bjornstadt/Brunberg/Christensen RÜS,Theater
13.12. Lakatos 5 Jazzkeller
14.12. gregory porter MZ,Rheingoldhalle
17.12. django asül MZ,Frankfurter Hof
21.12. matchbox bluesband Jazzkeller
23.12. Wilson de Oliveira Jazzkeller
27.12. Alex/Angela Fronteira Jazzkeller
8.1. Sauer/Wollny Romanfabrik
jazz91.8 nov 19 2014
Raphael Walsers Gangart / Laufschritt / Wolfgang / Challenge-double moon
Jazz Against The Machine / Bombtrack / Black Bossa / Poets Club Rec
Jazz Against The Machine / Creep / Black Bossa / Poets Club Rec
The Silent Jazz Ensemble / Nightwalker / Nightwalker / double moon
The Silent Jazz Ensemble / Oceania / Nightwalker / double moon
Karl Latham, Ryan Carniaox, Merk Egan, Nick Rolfe / Hope / Constellations / Challenge-double moon
Woodland Conclave / Celebration Of Life / VA Inracom pres: 20+yrs in jazznotjazz / Infracom
Zilverzurf / Full Freedom / Full Freedom / Poets Club Rec
Praezisa Rapid 3000 / Ukrainian Dirtmob / Miami/Mumbai /
next jazz 91.8: dec 3 2014 21h 9pm cet
next jazzmadass radioshow: nov 28 2014 12h 12pmcet
frankfurt jazz dates:
Jazz gegen Apartheid – zwischen Heimkehr und Exil
Herbstprogramm 24. - 29. November 2014 - 30 Jahre Projekt Kultur im Ghetto
Mitwirkende: Claude Deppa (tp), Daniel Guggenheim (ts), Christopher Dell (vib),
John Edwards (b), Makaya Ntshoko (dr), Janusz Stefański (dr)
Orte und Termine:
24.11.2014, 20:00 Uhr Gallus Theater, Frankfurt, Kleyerstr.15,
25.11.2014, 20:00 Uhr Osterkirche, Mörfelder Landstr. 212, Frankfurt-Sachsenhausen
26.11.2014, 20:00 Uhr Cyriakuskirche, Auf der Insel, Frankfurt-Rödelheim
27.11.2014, 20:00 Uhr Paul-Gerhardt-Gemeindezentrum, Gerauer Str. 52, Frankfurt-Niederrad
28.11.2014, 20:00 Uhr main_forum (IG Metall Haus) Wilh.-Leuschner-Str. 79, Frankfurt
29.11.2014, 20:00 Uhr Bessunger Knabenschule, Darmstadt, Ludwigshöhstr. 42
„German Jazz live in der FABRIK"
Konzert No. 6
Mittwoch, 26.11.2014, 20.00 Uhr
Stephan Schmolck: "Back And Forth"
FRANKFURTER HOF MAINZ: – Das SWR NEWJazz Meeting 2014 am 23.11. um 20 Uhr Frankfurter Hof
Karolina Strassmayer (sax), Pablo Held (p, keyb), John Goldsby (b), Drori Mondlak (dr)
Club Voltaire | Fr., 28.11.14 | 20.30 Uhr | 10,–/7,– €