Jeden 2. Sonntag von 22 - 23 Uhr

Sunday night is an era. The era where the frantic past collapses with your wills and desires to be better the week after. Week….as if time was real. Town wants to bring you to a status where Logic is just a sound program and order is out of itself.

Parallel gatherings masticating your spoken words of mouth, kisses for your soul are jamming into oscillations, deep listenings and discussions are seances, voice-overs collaging across town. Gather around and get out of town! get out of town!

All roads lead to town.

The Town night crew met at Städelschule, erupting from an interest in live events, subliminal sound connections and late dinners. Their show emerged from Radio Ufff, a 13 hour long radio program which took places over the course of three nights at the exhibition space fffriedrich and was streamed live on radio x – a pre-Town era experiment consisting of sound pieces, stories, collages, sleepovers. Then Town started with warm dinners.

Every 2nd Sunday of the month at 10pm the crew will host an one hour show, all guided by different Town guards and each linked with a collateral live-event outside of the radio studio.

Mahya, Heman, François, Anita, Federica, Maïly, Sean Li, Max

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Town auf radio x