Neues aus dem Wasteland mit Reiner Bös und Sidekick Tired Thomas
Unterlegmusik: KONSTRUKT & KEJI HEINO- a philosophy warping.. (Karlrecords 2017)
01. NOVA MOB- over my head (Grant Hart-Tribut)
v.A. "The last days of Pompeii- Special Edition" (MVD audio 2010)
02. THE FALL- realm of dusk***
v.A. "Bend sinister" (Fünfundvierzig 1986)
03. THE FALL- eat y´self fitter
v.A. "Perverted by language" (Line Records 1983)
04. THE FALL- L.A.
v.A. "This Nation´s saving grace" (Beggars Banquet 1986)
05. THE EX- soon all cities
06. THE EX- the heart conductor
beide v.A. "27 passports" (Ex Records 2018)
07. JAAP BLONK & TERRIE EX- amicaple plops
v.A. "Thirsty ears" (Terp Records 2018)
08. AYUUNE SULE- two wrongs don´t make a right
09. AYUUNE SULE- what a man can do, a woman can do more better
beide v.A. "We have one destiny" (Makkum/Rebel Up 2018)
10. NADAH EL SHAZLY- palmyra
11. NADAH EL SHAZLY- afqid adh-dhakira
beide v.A. "Ahwar" (Nawa Recordings 2017)
12. EFRIM MANUEL MENUCK- black flags ov thee holy sonne
13. EFRIM MANUEL MENUCK- pissing stars
beide v.A. "Pissing stars" (Constellation 2018)
14. HOWARD HELLO- the split
15. HOWARD HELLO- achilles heel
16. HOWARD HELLO- simon say
17. HOWARD HELLO- greenhouse
alle v.A. "Election year" (Temporary Residence 2017)
18. MIDWIFE- song for an unborn sun
19. MIDWIFE- name
20. MIDWIFE- haunt me
alle v.A. "Like author, like daughter" (Whited Sepulchre 2017)
***R.I.P. Mark E. Smith
Nächste Sendung am 30.03.18