h1: Jahresrückblick / Annual Review 2012 (for Cassette-Culture please watch h2)
01. MINA rotes plastik (CD "Musik für's Wohnzimmer", 2000, Monika Enterprise Berlin, Germany)
02. ORGIA PRAVEDNIKOV the catcher in the rye (CD "For These Who See Dreams", 2010, Electroshock Records, Russia)
03. EDWARD ARTEMIEV credo (CD "Mood - Pictures", 2010, Electroshock Records, Russia)
04. BATFINKS peppercorn (MP3-Download, Hippocamp, USA)
05. JOACHIM WITT königreich (2-CD "DOM", 2012, Columbia Music Seven One, Germany)
06. CITY OF CARS the day lindsay lohan dies (12-MLP "You Know! It's Not Cool.", 2012, Subwix, Strictly Commercial, Nebula Fünf Enterprises Int., Kill All Human Rec., Aldi Punk, My Delight Rec., Fight The System Rec., Puke Music, Elfenart Rec., Pest & Cholera Rec., Kotzbrocken Rec., Qualitativus Recordicus, Mad Butcher Records, Germany)
07. LAFFTRAK das leben der languste (7"-EP "Das Ende der Welt", 2012, Qualitativus Recordicus, Tief in Marcellos Schuld, Aldi Punk, Kill All Human Records, Strictly Commercial Records, Sengaja Records, Germany)
08. DALIS CAR subhanallah (MP3-Download "In Glad Aloneless", 2012, MK)
09. HU CREIX just words (MP3-Download "Just Words", 2012, Sirona Records, France)
10. M.NOMIZED moon and earth (MP3-Download "Squares & Circles", 2012, Bandcamp)
11. UDO LINDENBERG good life city (7"-Single "Good Life City", 1972, Telefunken, Germany)
12. EVA CROISSANT deine worte (CD "Du bist nicht irgendwer", 2012, Regioactive, Germany)
13. ORGIA PRAVEDNIKOV skimen (CD "For These Who See Dreams", 2010, Electroshock Records, Russia)
h2: Cassette-Culture Jahresrückblick / Annual Review 2012
14. MARIANN KÄFER never 2.0.3 (C60 "The Man Who Saw The Man Who Drowned The Fish", 1993, Tonspur Tapes, Germany)
15. THOMAS SYSTEM egal wohin (MC "Die Göttliche", 1982, Wartungsfrei, GDR)
16. ANDROMEDA COMPLEX vessilifera mortifera (MC "Hypnotic Erotic Syndrome", 1995, Trümmer, Germany)
17. INOX KAPELL wie damals im märchen (C90 "Hirschkäfer & Köderdose", 1990, One Last Dream / Urknall, Germany)
18. DER ÄSTHETISCHE EINZELKÄMPFER isolation (MC "ResigNation", 1990, self-released, Germany)
19. WATERCOLOURED WELL perfect bird (CD "Arsonist's Rebirthday Audition", 2012, Monochrome Vision, Russia)
20. POISON DWARFS cut (C60 "Various Artists - The Crazy-Side of IRRE Tapes", 1990, Ebus Music, Germany)
21. HACKE PETERS die einzig wahre (CD "Various Artists - EuropeanUndergroundRockFront Volume 1", 2009, Europeanundergroundpunkrockfront, Germany)
22. WITHOUT TALENT birthday (CD "Without Talent '05", 2005, self-released, Germany)
23. HÖREN & STAUNEN brüder zur sonne (C10 "Kampflieder der Arbeiterklasse", 1982, Zweckfei Kassetten, GDR)
24. KALTFRONT / FREUNDE DER ITALIENISCHEN OPER / TIERISCHER FRÜHLING / HEIKE & JULIA tannenbaum (C26 "Various Artists - The Christmas Mini Tape", 1988, Zieh dich warm an Tapes, GDR)
Kontakt: carsten (at) ebusmusic (dot) com