Jet Set, die Radio Escobar mit Herr Ebu 01.09.20
h1. Neue Alben und mehr
1. MINA rotes plastik (CD "Musik für's Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprises Berlin, 1998)
2. RUPERT HINE house arrest (LP "Waving Not Drowning", A&M Records, 1982)
3. DANGER NOODLE talk about you (13xMP3 "Happy Ghost Day Surprise", Reptile House Records, 2020)
4. DANGER NOODLE it sounded better in my head (13xMP3 "Happy Ghost Day Surprise", Reptile House Records, 2020)
5. MAGIC BULLET solidarietas (extract) (1xMP3 "Solidarietas", Broken Tapes Records, 2020)
6. MAGIC BULLET m.m.a.t.t. 33 mashup (7xMP3 "Curiositas", Mick Magic, 2020)
7. GILBERT BECAUD es ist nie zu spät (extract) (7"-Single "Wo ist die Liebe Zuhause?", Electrola, 1966)
8. DIE KASSIERER es ist nie zu spät (CD "Musik für beide Ohren", Teenage Rebel Records, 1999)
9. DEPECHE MODE everything counts (live 1988) (2-CD "The Singles 86>98", Sony Music, 2014)
10. GIGANTOR everything counts (CD "Various Artists - Punk Chartbusters Vol. 2", Wolverine Records, Sound Carrier, 1996)
11. HAPPY KADAVER selbstbefreiungs song (12"-EP "Self Liberation", self-released, 2020)
12. HAPPY KADAVER kein mensch (12"-EP "Self Liberation", self-released, 2020)
13. THE BAMBAMS last song (CD "Come Along", High Society International, 1997)
14. ??? - Party auf dem Dach ??? (WER KENNT DIESEN SONG ?!? --- Bitte melden bei carsten (at) ebusmusic (dot) com, 198x) - BELOHNUNG !!
h2. CASSETTE CULTURE with Herr Ebu
14. ??? - Party auf dem Dach ??? (WER KENNT DIESEN SONG ?!? --- Bitte melden bei carsten (at) ebusmusic (dot) com, 198x)
15. M.D.W. dreckig (MC "Der Himmel ist offen", HUF Records, 1991)
16. DIE GOLDENEN ZITRONEN horst, schorsch & dieter (C60 "Various Artists - Positive Noise", 198x)
17. DIE IHMESPATZEN krisenstimmung (MC "Ach Hannover", Spargel Tapes, 1982)
18. AKTIVE NOTWEHR das bist du (C60 "Various Artists - Positive Noise", 198x)
19. LUCA CARLOTTA sehnenscheiden dub (MC "Various Artists - Goldrausch - Der Wien Sampler", Goldgelb Records, 2020)
20. GNATZ kann alles weiss alles macht alles (video edit) (MC "Kann alles weiss alles macht alles", selfreleased, 2020)
21. BLACKLIGHT CHAMELEON pit of ghosts (MC "Various Artists - Goldrausch - Der Wien Sampler", Goldgelb Records, 2020)
22. SPEEK undertone (MC "Various Artists - Goldrausch - Der Wien Sampler", Goldgelb Records, 2020)
23. DELETED encore 1 journee sans histoire (C60 "No Songs", Tonspur Tapes, 1988)
24. XOTOX leporidae (extract) (C90 "Various Artists - Relax", Cold-Coffein-Addict Records, 2003)
25. GYPZNIK you don't (MC "Lust Is The Root Of All Evil", Rubbish Recordings, 1992)
26. BENE GESSERIT & M.A.L. song for the nurses (3xMC "Confined Vol. 1, 2 & 3", Insane Music, 2020)
27. BENE GESSERIT & M.A.L. gothic but chic (extract) (3xMC "Confined Vol. 1, 2 & 3", Insane Music, 2020)
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QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com
Next broadcasting: Tuesday, 6 October 2020 8-10pm (UTC+2)