Jet Set, die Radio Escobar mit Herr Ebu 02.02.21
h1. Annual Review 2020, Teil 2v2 mit Herr Ebu
1. MINA rotes plastik (CD "Musik für's Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprises Berlin, 1998)
2. MAGIC BULLET the a.f.c. song (7xMP3 "Curiositas", Music & Elsewhere, 2020)
3. HAPPY KADAVER selbstbefreiung song (12"-EP "Self Liberation", selbstveröffentlicht, 2020)
4. ??? - Party auf dem Dach ??? (WER KENNT DIESEN SONG ?!? --- Bitte melden bei carsten (at) ebusmusic (dot) com, 198x) - BELOHNUNG !!
5. RUPERT HINE make a wish (live July 1981, Germany)
6. JOHN SIMMS' LIGHT TRAILS the mystery of light (CD "Chromatology", Stargaze International, 2020)
7. THE SWIPES coming home (CD "World Gone Mad", Mad Butcher Records, 2020)
8. MOVING TARGETS world gone mad (CD "World Gone Mad", Mad Butcher Records, 2020)
9. THE SWIPES germicide suicide (CD "World Gone Mad", Mad Butcher Records, 2020)
10. SWOONS awake (CD "Klein und faul", Hulk Räckordz, 1996)
11. THE SWIPES silent alarm (unplugged) (2020)
12. THE POPZILLAS timebomb (CD "The Incredible Adventures Of Pandora Pop", Wolverine Records, 2006)
13. THE SWIPES never accept (unplugged) (2020)
h2. Cassette Culture with Herr Ebu & Stefan Becker
13. THE SWIPES never accept (unplugged) (2020)
14. THE SWIPES communication log-out (CD-EP "Communication Log-Out", Mad Butcher Records / Punk mit Abitur Records, 2014)
15. BRANDY CORPSE bad education (MC "Same", 199x)
16. M.D.W. viel zu weit weg (MC "Der Himmel ist offen", Huf Records, 1991)
17. MARKUS SCHWILL the advantage of tape-music (CD-2 "Cassette Culture", Vinyl-on-demand, 2020)
18. DON CAMPAU i am not satisfied (CD-1 "Cassette Culture", Vinyl-on-demand, 2020)
19. KAPOTTE MUZIEK audio plagio 2 (CD-1 "Cassette Culture", Vinyl-on-demand, 2020)
20. MUSLIMGAUZE cyst (CD-1 "Cassette Culture", Vinyl-on-demand, 2020)
21. TASTE OF STOOL squeeze bees (CD-2 "Cassette Culture", Vinyl-on-demand, 2020)
22. STEWART ROBINSON infinite revelations (MC "Deep Thought", Alternate Media Tapes, 1990)
23. ANDREAS BICK 15 mark 50 und ne quittung (C90 "Cabdriver", Alternate Media Tapes, 1991)
24. AKTIVE NOTWEHR das bist du (C60 "Various Artists - Positive Noise", 198x)
25. PRACTICAL SENSES traces of squirrels on the snow (MC "Збірка Пісень Про Рішучого Короля (Songs Cycle About The Decisive King)", Aldi-Punk, 2014)
26. BLACKLIGHT CHAMELEON pit of ghosts (MC "Various Artists - Goldrausch - Der Wien Sampler", Goldgelb Records, 2020)
Cassette Culture:
Playlists since 2012:
QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com
Next broadcasting: Tuesday, 2 March 2021 8-10pm (UTC+1)