1. MINA rotes plastik (CD "V.A. - Musik fürs Wohnzimmer", Monika Enterprise, 1998)
2. REBELSERPENTGOD ludvs (extract) (3xFile "Ludvs EP", Klappstuhl Records, 2021)
3. JOHANNES BJÖRK en dag nau allt (12"-LP "Same", Infinite Expanse, 2023)
4. JOHANNES BJÖRK saltholmen (12"-LP "Same", Infinite Expanse, 2023)
5. HEATHER PERKINS blarblemush (12"-LP "Living Room 1987 - 1992", Bigbandalone, 2023)
6. LIGHTBULB stratosled #5 ("Carnival Of Strange", Secret Shark Records, 2024)
7. HEATHER PERKINS don*t feel a thing (12"-LP "Living Room 1987 - 1992", Bigbandalone, 2023)
8. JULAKIM TRIO luz (MP3-Single "Luz", self-released, 2024)
9. JULAKIM TRIO versehen (MP3-Single "Versehen", self-released, 2024)
Julakim-Crowdfunding: https://www.startnext.com/bluzland
10. JOACHIM WITT schwör mir (CD "Der Fels in der Brandung", Warner, 2023)
11. SIEGFRIED GRUNDMANN into the dark (MP3 "Into The Dark", self-released, 2024)
12. JANOSCH MOLDAU karma (CD-EP "Aid And Abet", Janosch Moldau Records, 2023)

13. DENSE ROOSTER - ANTONI JACHNA two goblins (10xFile "Metaphysics", self-released, 2023) 
14. HUMAN FLESH kent should love it (C60 "The Third Human Attempt", Insane Music, 1984)
15. IF, BWANA this means you (CD "They Call Me Bwana", Sound Of Pig, Forced Nostalgia, 1987, 2003)
16. PIETER KOCK istanbul (MC "Flocks And Murders Of Entitled Spirits", Musikii, 2021)
17. YXIMALLOO o' rhythm'3 (MC "Monnorhytha", Sakura Wrechords, 1982)
18. FETT fünf mark (MC "Beutezug", self-released, 1987)
19. D.D.A.A. la ferouia (MC "La Famille Des Saltimbanques", ADM Tapes, 1984)
20. ABNORM der rennfahrer (C30 "Leise flehen meine Lieder", Reinfall Tapes, 1982) 
21. ARGIOPE blastogenesi (C46 "Original Waters", Tribe Tapes, 2023)
22. DECA inconscio (MC "Estinzione", Minus Habens Records, 1989)
23. DELETED la tarseillaise (C90 "Various Artists - The Pony", Hypertonia World Enterprises, 1989)
24. AK AK die rache des malayen (C20 "Der Vater im Kirschbaum", Trik Tapes, 1985)
25. ABORTIVE GASP blockhead (C60 "Bullfrog", Alternate Media Tapes, 1989)

Backgroundmusic: REBELSERPENTGOD ludvs (extract) (3xFile "Ludvs EP", Klappstuhl Records, 2021)


(Escobar On Radio X):

(Herr Ebu Broadcasting):


@ Radio X: http://www.radiox.de/sendungen/escobar/playlists-herr-ebu

Cassette Culture:

QNTQT: carsten (attt) ebusmusic (dooot) com

Next broadcast: Tuesday, 7 May 2024, 8-10pm (UTC+2)