radiator x - 110218 - sonic spaces
radia #301: resonant space + radia #102: floors we have known

[pls. scroll down for english version]

klangräume. resonanzräume.

zunächst verwandelt david strang einen ehemaligen windkanal in klang.
im anschluss lassen lucinda guy und david paterson fussböden schwingen. und bringen auf diese weise ebenfalls räume zum klingen.

weitere informationen zur sendung unter www.gunst.info/radiator
sowie unter: www.radia.fm

credits: siehe unten

die nächste radiator-sendung wird am
donnerstag, 24. februar 2011 von 14-15 uhr ausgestrahlt.


sounding spaces, resonant spaces.

first, david strang transforms a former wind channel into sound.
afterwards, lucinda guy and alexander paterson let the floors of an old building sing and swing.


miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
david strang, lucinda guy, alexander paterson and soundart radio, dartington, for guiding us (in)to sonic spaces;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

pls. find further information on this show, the sound art pieces and the contributing artists at
www.gunst.info/radiator and at www.radia.fm

the next show will be transmitted
thursday, february 24, 2011 from 2 pm to 3 pm (CET). 

radiator x - 110210 - small worlds
radia #300: the exclamation of a liliputian discovering gulliver
+ radia #263: miniatures

[pls. scroll down for english version]

kleine welten ganz gross.

kleine geschichten von grossen kleinen für gross und klein.
und grossartige klangminiaturen.

weitere informationen zur sendung unter www.gunst.info/radiator
sowie unter: www.radia.fm

credits: siehe unten

achtung, sondertermin:
die nächste radiator-sendung wird am
freitag, 18. februar 2011 von 14-15 uhr ausgestrahlt.
[am donnerstag, 17.02.2011 gibt es zur radiator-zeit von 15-16 uhr eine neue folge der GUNSTradio-reihe 'DIY Radio'!]


small worlds. a big issue!

bits'n'bytes of stories about small worlds, people, things.
and sound miniatures. en gros.
how great is that!


miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
loise bulot, tony regnauld, floriane pochon, pierre macé, étienne noiseau and radio grenouille, marseille/france, for making small things big;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

pls. find further information on this show, the sound art pieces and the contributing artists at
www.gunst.info/radiator and at www.radia.fm

attention, please note:
the next show will be transmitted
friday, february 18, 2011 from 2 pm to 3 pm (CET).
[on thursday, february 17, 2011 from 3-4 pm we'll broadcast a new show of our GUNSTradio series 'DIY radio'!]

radiator x - 1100203 - snow(here)
radia #299: snowhere + radia #202: snow squabbles

[pls. scroll down for english version]

es schneit klänge.

flocken fallen. und ziehen weiter ins nirgendwo.
wir lauschen ihrem treiben. das tatsächlich mitunter auch im streit enden kann.
von wegen: leise rieselt der schnee...

weitere informationen zur sendung unter www.gunst.info/radiator
sowie unter: www.radia.fm

credits: siehe unten

die nächste radiator-sendung wird am
donnerstag, 10. februar 2011 von 15-16 uhr ausgestrahlt.


snow is falling. flakes becoming sound.
and traveling onwards. from here to there to (s)nowhere.
we listen to their dances and squabbels.
squabbels? sure.
snow may be silencing. but who told you snow flakes are silent as well?

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
radio panik, brussels, for leading us snowhere;
neil griffith, caroline kunzle and cathy inouye fom radio ckut, montréal, elín anna steinarsdóttir and scott taylorfor for opening our ears for snowsquabbles;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

pls. find further information on this show, the sound art pieces and the contributing artists at
www.gunst.info/radiator and at www.radia.fm

the next show will be transmitted
thursday february 10, 2011 from 3 pm to 4 pm (CET).

radiator x - 110127 - poems
radia #298: song poems + radia #187: les forteresses du ciel

[pls. scroll down for english version]

gedichte und/als gesang.
der poesie des alltags entlang.

zunächst als hommage an die kassettenkultur der 1980er jahre.
dann als hommage an den dichter alain robbe-grillet.

weitere informationen zur sendung unter www.gunst.info/radiator
sowie unter: www.radia.fm

credits: siehe unten

die nächste radiator-sendung wird am
donnerstag, 03. februar 2011 von 15-16 uhr ausgestrahlt.


poems and/as songs.
everyday poetry. all along.

first sung as hommage to 1980ies' tape culture.
afterwards in hommmage à alain robbe-grillet.

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
radio worm, rotterdam, for singing their song poems;
radio ckut, montréal, for their poetic tribute to alain robbe-grillet;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

pls. find further information on this show, the sound art pieces and the contributing artists at
www.gunst.info/radiator and at www.radia.fm

the next show will be transmitted
thursday february 03, 2011 from 3 pm to 4 pm (CET).

radiator x - 110120 - language life
radia #296: life expectation + radia #239: morsonata

[pls. scroll down for english version]

am leben lauschen:
zwei ganz unterschiedliche hommagen an die lebenskraft, die der sprache aus dem (ur)laut erwächst.
leben (als) laut, wenn sprache in atem und stimme zerlegt, in rhythmen und melodien transformiert, zu lauten und lautem - also auf neue weise lebendig wird.

weitere informationen zur sendung unter www.gunst.info/radiator
sowie unter: www.radia.fm

credits: siehe unten

die nächste radiator-sendung wird am
donnerstag, 27. januar 2011 von 15-16 uhr ausgestrahlt.


listening (to) life:
two different variations on a theme: the vital life of language's origins and ends in sound.
life (as) sound. language dissassembled and reassembled, built and rebuilt into rhythms and melodies, revived and brought to new life: vitality in and as sound.

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
alessandro bossetti and radio papesse, firenze, for enhancing the life expectation of spoken words;
haco, susan matthews, and mobile radio (knut aufermann and sarah washington) for an unexpected revival;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

pls. find further information on this show, the sound art pieces and the contributing artists at
www.gunst.info/radiator and at www.radia.fm

the next show will be transmitted
thursday january 27, 2011 from 3 pm to 4 pm (CET).

radiator x - 110113 - dark
radia #295: hear in the dark + radia #190: black water brown water

[pls. scroll down for english version]

im dunkeln. lauschen. hören. und dann etwas sehen. weil auch im ohr bilder entstehen.
und dann wieder eintauchen ins dunkel. das nun allerdings anders ist: im fluss.

weitere informationen zur sendung unter www.gunst.info/radiator
sowie unter: www.radia.fm

credits: siehe unten

die nächste radiator-sendung wird am
donnerstag, 20. januar 2011 von 15-16 uhr ausgestrahlt.


in the dark. listening. hearing. and seeing. something. for imagination is nesting in your ears as well.
and then back into the dark. which is different now. in the rivers. in flux.

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
cfrc radio, kingston/ca, for listening into the dark;
david prior and sound art radio, dartington/uk, for drowning with us into dark waters;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

pls. find further information on this show, the sound art pieces and the contributing artists at
www.gunst.info/radiator and at www.radia.fm

the next show will be transmitted
thursday january 20, 2011 from 3 pm to 4 pm (CET).

radiator x - 110106 - local experimental
radia #294: sound light locality + radia #220: 0°1533 project

[pls. scroll down for english version]

diesmal beginnen wir unsere erforschung experimenteller klangräume in wellington, neuseeland. sie führt uns mitten in die szene experimenteller (klang-)performance-kunst, deren unterschiedliche stimmen die vielfalt der lokalen gemeinschaften und ihrer produktionen zum sprechen bringen.
im anschluss erkunden wir mit studenten desart In the public space (AEsP) workshop experimentelle klangräume in brüssel.

weitere informationen zur sendung unter www.gunst.info/radiator
sowie unter: www.radia.fm

credits: siehe unten

die nächste radiator-sendung wird am
donnerstag, 13. januar 2011 von 15-16 uhr ausgestrahlt.


this time we'll start our journey to'n'through experimental acoustic spaces in wellington, new zealand, where we're invited to join a meeting of the local community of (sound-)performance artists.

in the second part, together with students of the art In the public space (AEsP) workshop, we'll explore acoustic spaces in brussels. again local experimental - yet in completely different ways, conceptually as well as aesthetically.

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
sally ann mcintyre, the frederick street sound and light exploration society and radio dunedin nz, for exploring local experiments in wellington;
gabriel tapia, gustavo riego and josé luis macas, from the art In the public space (AEsP) workshop of the brussels royal academy of fine art and radio campus, brussels for doing the same (but different) in brussels;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

pls. find further information on this show, the sound art pieces and the contributing artists at
www.gunst.info/radiator and at www.radia.fm

the next show will be transmitted
thursday january 13, 2011 from 3 pm to 4 pm (CET).